Eat Here Now : Harvest Newrybar

Today is the perfect day for a country drive! If you are planning your stay at Atlantic we recommend heading up to Harvest for breakfast or lunch, they are open 7 days per week for Lunch and dinner. Harvest is set in a historic cottage with a recently refurbished 99 year old bakery…and yes they bake the most amazing fresh breads available in the Harvest Deli right beside the restaurant ! So you can stock up on cheeses, breads and condiments to keep you going during your stay.
You can dine on the airy verandahs or cozy up inside with the fireplace. For special occasions there are also two private dining rooms. Harvest is fully Licensed and offers an abundance of local produce. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL.
18 OLD PACIFIC HIGHWAY, NEWRYBAR NSW 2479 CALL :: (02) 6687 2644