Hunter Amos’ first solo show!

We’re very excited to share that one of our youngest Atlantic family members, Hunter Amos, is about to open his first solo show at Jai Gallery in Byron!

Hunter, 18, developed an early interest in the arts, growing up surrounded by artists, filmmakers and photographers, many of whom were guests at The Atlantic.

His first solo show is a visual celebration of his interest in the individual. Abstract in style, Hunter’s large and small format portraits focus on capturing and refracting the identity of Hollywood luminaries through an original lens, creating images that are both provocative and intimate.

Based in Byron Bay, Hunter’s fascination with the actor’s ability to portray a myriad of characters is captured in his distinctively abstract style. Textural layering pays tribute to the multifaceted nature of the actor’s craft, while monochromatic shading and detailed lines and complexity of angles add depth.

Hunter encourages the audience to discover their own vision of his artworks and understand how we relate to these figures that often are inspirations in our lives.

The show opens Thursday 6 – 16 February at Jai Gallery 1/3 Marvell Street Byron Bay. All works will be available at from 8pm Wednesday 5 February 2020. Follow @hunteramoss on Instagram for updates!